I believe women have discarded their worth. I always have great conversations with my, younger than me, cousins Mallory, Faren and Brittney about relationships. These young ladies, like my sister, my best friends, Brooke and Shermaine, and myself, really seem to value our worth. We are loyal friends, girlfriends and wives. We understand the meaning of the word friend. We are able to have these great conversations because we know and value our own worth. I know this may make some of the women I know angry but it has to be said. Why do you feel the need to be with an unavailable man? He is not available to you by his choice. He tells you all the things you want to hear because he knows that you have discarded your worth. I am not judging you but I am curious. You are a strong woman. You have and are providing for your children. You are making your own money and you want to be in love. I understand. But please help me understand why you are falling for the man who is unavailable to you. I am not saying that my relationship is perfect and has not been tested, I know it has, but I am not seeking something or someone in another woman's man.
Trust me I understand falling in love but to fall in love with an man who is already in a relationship is not only selfish it's wrong. If you didn't know he was in a relationship and you fell in love, that's different. But as women, we know the signs and we sometimes ignore because of our pride. I just want you to know your worth. If you are holding on to a man who clearly is tied to another woman, you are always going to be the one who is hurt. He's tied to her because he wants to be. And he's holding on to you because you have allowed yourself to just hang on. I want women to understand their worth. It's not tied into a man, it comes from you.
I love having conversations with all the women in my life because I get to be open and honest about how I feel with each of them. We don't always agree on everything but we listen and take from the conversation what we think will ultimately help us. I have learned something from each of the women in my life and what I know for sure is that I am loyal to them. I have never wanted what they have because I know my worth. I have always known my worth. I didn't inherit my worth from a relationship with a man, it was God given and strong woman applied.
Very well said...I think sometimes it's not about not knowing their worth that women get involved with unavailable men...I think its because they may have gone through something that no one could understand and they just don't care at that moment because it's their life...no it's not right by any means but we all do things that aren't right at times that doesn't make us a bad person. I do have to agree with you that a woman should know her worth but sometimes it gets lost due to circumstances beyond their control. You can never know what a person has been through or why they do the things they do if you have not walked in their shoes...but I get where you are coming from.
ReplyDeleteOMG cuz this is my frist time on your page ! I love it ! You have me thinking