Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Positively Growing

When I was thinking about what I wanted to discuss in this blog, I started thinking about my life and how much I've grown.  I am thinking about writing and learning and growing.  I realized that the very thing I've decided to write about, I've been guilty of doing in the past.  As I started to grow and change I knew that the things I used to do I couldn't do anymore.  For me, I made the decision to not let what people think about me have any negative effects on me.  It's true what has been said, The loudest person in the room is usually the weakest.  The same can be said about the loudest person in a small town or the loudest person in a family.

What I learned through this growth process is that I was that person.  The one who always had a strong opinion.  I was the person who always needed to be right.  I was the loudest person because I was so weak in other aspects of my life.  I'm extremely lucky that I have a best friend who would allow me to have my opinion but also not be afraid to challenge me.  I still manage to get my point across but I have learned that my opinion about any situation is that alone, my opinion.  Growing up and living in a small town everyone has this idea that they know everybody.  Well I don't have that idea anymore.  I know for sure that I really don't know anybody and they have no idea who I really am.  People only know what you tell them and they really don't know if what you say is the truth. 

The really sad thing about life is that people will say any and everything about you.  The will deliver lies to the people who are the loudest thinking that the more people that know than the more truth the lies hold.  We see this everyday in the arena of politics and celebrities.  You read it on Facebook and Twitter.  You hear it grocery stores and at your place of employment.  There will always be someone who will start a rumor and others who will spread that same rumor adding a little bit more to it.  I used to be the person who was a part of spreading the rumor but now I don't even entertain what people say about others.  The truth is if someone starts or spreads a rumor to you, they will most definitely start and spread one about you.  I have been on a journey to be a better person than I was.  I am doing what I can to spread a more positive message about life.  In order for me to be better and more positive, I try not to respond to negativity in any way.  If someone says something about me that I know is not true I don't even respond.  My grandmother told me once, " it's not what people call you, it's what you answer to."  There is so much more power in not responding to negativity.  When I see some people's Facebook statuses talking about people hating on them, I shake my head.  If someone doesn't like my blog post it doesn't offend me.  I know that everything I do is not for everyone to receive.  If you are truly doing something positive and productive in your life there is absolutely no need to broadcast to anyone.  People will notice. 

I understand promoting your talents and your artistry is very important and necessary.  Sometimes you have to put yourself out there but you must always be prepared to hear negative comments about what you are doing.  There are so many people who want to be exactly who you are.  Those people are the loudest people out there.  They are the people who want a response from you.  My advice:  don't give them the satisfaction.  Keep doing what you are doing and your positivity will always outweigh there negativity.  I want to use a few examples to explain what I mean.  I am not the biggest fan of rap but I am a fan of music and the art of music.  There is a rap guy and a rap group in Gueydan by the name of Chance Jolivette (rap guy) and Game Mob Family (the rap group).  They are creating music that I'm not fond of but they are creating the music they love.  I will never say anything negative about it just because I don't like the genre of music.  In fact, I'm willing to listen and give it a chance.  However, there are so many loud people that will only speak negatively about it.  I would say this to these guys and ladies, if you enjoy what you are doing then you better keep doing what you're doing.  You don't have to answer to the negativity just continue on your own journey. 

I have always been a great supporter.  I love to see other people soar and I'm happy when people succeed in life.  For example, my best friend, Brooke is doing great things with her life.  I have always been extremely proud of the person she is.  Her light has always been bright but I never let it overshadow me.  She allowed me to be a part of her support system.  I believe that I am the best supporter in the world.  I love to see other people succeed and fulfill their dreams and believe being their supporter has not stopped me from pursuing my goals.  You can be a person who spreads positivity and succeed in your own life.  You have to be willing to block out the negativity and move forward with who you are meant to be.  I think the people who love me will agree that I'm always happy when they are happy.  This happens when you are truly happy with the person you are.  I know who I am and there is not one person on this earth who can tell me any different.  Like I said, I once was the loudest but even when I was the loudest, I was still happy for the people who did great things with their lives.  The growth has been that I know I no longer have to be the loudest in the room. 

So in conclusion, I think sometimes you have to just be silent because your silence speak volumes.  Stop using Facebook and Twitter to try and shut down the people who spread negativity about you.  You can shut all the negative energy out of your life simply by not feeding into it.  People will always have something to say about you whether it be negative or positive.  The truth is you have to know what you're willing to answer to.  Positive energy attracts positivity.  It works in every aspect of our lives.  If you want to have great friends, you have to be a great friend.  If you want to have a good partner, you have to be a good partner.  But if you want to something great and the only thing you talk about is the worst part of life then you are attracting the same negative energy you are putting out there.  It may take some time and a better understanding of who you are but all good things takes a little time.

I Speak Thoughts


  1. Kosette G . StewartMarch 7, 2012 at 1:42 PM

    I so agree with you about this subject. An i to am guilty of using facebook to shut people down. But i am a work in progress !

  2. With growth comes wisdom & you just proved how wise you've become...good job!
