Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Racism Exists

The other day I was in a big chain store and I experienced the worst kind of racism.  There was a conversation going on with a little boy, about age 6, and his mother, both white.  The conversation played out like this:

Little Boy:  Mom, are all black people crazy, stupid niggers?
The Mom:  Yes, baby most of them!

You can imagine the look of shock and disgust on my face.  I turned around and looked this woman right in the face and told her:

Me:  First of all, you need to teach your child decorum. He needs to know when and where to ask a question.  Second, all black people are not ignorant and at this point you are more of a nigger than any black person standing in this store. 

The Mom:  This was a private conversation.

Me:  The conversation happened loud enough so that everybody in this store can hear you.  The fact that you think it's okay for your child to ask the question and for your response to be yes is perplexing.  I guess you haven't realized that The President is black and he is neither crazy, stupid nor a nigger.  Get your life together.

That was the end of the conversation with this woman.  I kept my cool when I could have easily proved her point about black people.  The next lady that approached her was not as nice as I was.  She was yelling at the woman while this woman stood in a store with a lot of black people.  She didn't seem to care what the woman was saying but the look on her face when I was talking in calm tone seemed to have scared her. 

I didn't want to frighten the woman, I want her to think about what she was teaching her child.  I know for sure the racism is a learned behavior.  Teaching racism to your child is a form of abuse, in my opinion.  I have experienced racism my entire life but I have never let it define me.  I think that white people think that racism no longer exists as it did.  For me and the black people I know, racism is alive and well.  We are discriminated against while driving, while shopping and while working.  It may be more subtle but believe me it's there.  I must admit that some black people think everything is racist but I'm not among them.  I know what racism feels like.  It attempts to cut deep.

President Obama can't change the minds of people who are racist.  The Tea Party exist to promote racism.  If you don't believe that statement, just listen to them speak.  I have learned in my life that people will judge you first on how you look.  The first thing you see is the color of your skin.  My hope for my kids is that they never judge a person until they have had a chance to know them.  I would never teach my children to hate and when you teach a child to hate they become an adult who hates. 


  1. that still hurts and cuts deep to this day to hear that kinda stuff still in society. We know racism hasn't went anywhere but we tend to think it's more private and in people's own homes but when it rears it's ugly head out in front of your face it really is a downer.

  2. So true Chance. I think the problem is that we are not teaching our kids enough about history for them to begin to understand. It's hard to raise children in a world when you know because they are black they are going to be treated badly.

  3. I like this Erica...
    Its Sad but true!

  4. Erica...girl you put your foot in this one! I can't believe this happened but it was meant for you to hear so you, an educated strong black woman could educate an uneducated ignorant human being. I'm so proud of you and I agree that racism is a learned behavior and it surely exists at my workplace! I had a racist experience in New York at the peanut butter company (very popular place in 0reenich Village) and I voiced my concern to the CEO of the company which resulted in the termination of an employee so yes racism is alive and black people experience it everyday. The object is to look it in the face and not stoop to their level...we need to prove them wrong each and every day and President 0bama is doing a fantastic job of showing them that we are smart and can rise above oppression placed on us by Niggers (ignorant people who think they can treat people with a different skin color like shit)...wonderful job my friend!
